I am going to let you in on a secret, I want to explain to you what it is exactly that makes Trainade so effective as a rehydration product. In order for me to do this, you are going to have to strap yourself in for some science, ready? Let’s go.
Firstly, we need to understand that 70% of our body is water and that our body stores this water in a couple of different ‘compartments’. These compartments are called the intracellular and extracellular spaces. Intracellular simply means inside the cell and extra outside the cell.
Now keep in mind we have trillions of cells in our body, everything is made of cells. Certain cells form together to create different things such as bone cells make bones, stomach cells make stomach etc etc. Each of these cells are 3D spheres that contain water that is held together by a barrier, everything inside this barrier is the intracellular space. So what’s on the outside of a cell?
Great question, there are two spaces; our intravascular space, which is our circulatory system which provides blood, oxygen and nutrients to our cells, think of like Amazon Prime but it works 24 hours everyday. The second space is what we call the interstitial space, which are the spaces between cells that aren’t inside the intravascular space. This visual below should help you put all this together.
Now these ‘compartments’ are extremely important, they are what keep us alive and our body has a very good system at making sure all of them have the right amount of water in them. The way it does this is by balancing different electrolytes in different places. Inside the cell, it keeps alot of potassium, and outside the cells it keeps a lot of sodium. This is important to know later on.
Okay now that we have that covered, the next most important thing you need to know is that out of all the ‘compartments’ our body is very protective of the ‘intravascular’ or our blood. Which makes sense because without blood we cannot transfer oxygen, nutrients, or anything and our body will not work. So it is important to know that the body will ‘move’ fluid into the blood if there is significant losses of fluid to the blood, even if this is at the detriment to the other ‘compartments’.
Now when we sweat, our body moves water from the ‘extracellular’ space, and places it on our skin in order to be evaporated and to cool our body. When we sweat a lot, we lose a substantial amount of fluid from this space. For example if you sweat 2% of your body weight, 1.4kg for a 70kg athlete, you can lose 20% of physical output due to dehydration. This is why it is so important to rapidly replace that fluid. Which brings us to our final point.
The reason why Trainade Hydration works so effectively is that it replaces fluid into the ‘extracellular’ compartment really fast. How does it do that? After you drink Trainade it enters your small intestine and from there it can cross a barrier that goes straight into your blood. Remember your body wants to protect your blood from losing water at all costs.
The unique formula of Trainade allows this process to happen rapidly and replaces the lost fluid from your blood which prevents your body experiencing dehydration and the negative consequences of doing it. Remember above how I said that our body keeps a tight balance of sodium and potassium?
Well Trainade utilises this balance and uses an electrolyte ratio that encourages your body to pull it from the small intestine back into the blood while maintaining this perfect natural balance that your body needs for perfect hydration.
So if you’ve ever wondered why it is that you feel so good when you have Trainade Hydration, now you know! Now you can let your friends know and let them feel the difference as well.